Real LIFE help from real LIVE people
We are not here to judge, we are just here to help.
If you are struggling as a parent, caregiver or a youth, the helpline is here to provide vital support. It is a judgment-free, compassionate space for those in need of immediate emotional support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Whether you are in the midst of a personal crisis or just need someone to talk to, the Helpline’s trained counselors are always ready to help.
Call, text or live chat. Always free. Always human.
Always ready to listen.
Always ready to listen.

Helpline Testimonials
Breaking the Stigma: Dr. Lisa is joined by Congresswoman Norma Torres
Asking for Help is a Sign of Strength®
I called the Helpline at 9:30 after my 14-year-old daughter hit me and I didn’t know what to do. After I processed this shocking situation with the Helpline Counselor, I was relieved and able to immediately join a Spanish Online Parents Anonymous® Group an hour later.
-Mother of two
I texted the Helpline because I was feeling very overwhelmed and stressed because I didn’t want to go to school. The helpline counselor was with me until I got to school. I’m so happy to know that I can reach out to someone on the helpline, and they can help me out through my anxiety and feelings of overwhelm.
-14 Year Old Teen
I was struggling to find ways to cope with my daughters new and aggressive behavior since COVID-19. I texted the Helpline to express my feelings and work on a plan of action that has led to a positive change in my daughter and myself. The Helpline Counselor even called me back the following week to check in with me.
-Father of one
I called the Helpline because my mother told me to. My younger sister was making a suicide attempt in a Motel Room and almost hung herself. I called and a trained Counselor helped calm me down. I was nervous, anxious, and scared that my sister would end her life. The Helpline saved my sister's life. They helped me call 911 and the cops came to the motel room and saved my sister. Thank you.
-Young Adult
I was having a mental breakdown, I was scared to leave the house because of COVID-19, the Helpline Counselor was caring and helped me to deal with my fear, thank you.
-Grandmother of one
I sent a chat to the Helpline. I was scared to tell my parents that I wet my bed. We talked about my fears surrounding telling my parents that I made a mistake. I was nervous and worried but after I spoke to the Helpline Counselor I felt better and decided to tell my parents.
-9-year-old girl
I called the Helpline scared that I would not be able to feed my three kids after my husband’s work hours were cut due to the pandemic. I really felt taken care of when the Helpline Counselor spoke with me in Spanish, really listened to me, walked me through a deep breathing exercise and quickly found a food bank near my apartment in San Bernardino County.
I sent a chat to the Helpline. I had experienced a very bad domestic violence relationship. I was held against my will, beaten for 24hrs, I thought I was never going to see my family again. I wanted to end my life, I didn’t get justice from the DA. I was scared, I was emotionally drained. The compassionate Counselor that gave me a safe place open-up, saved my life. I now have a lifeline where I can go and get the support I need without judgment.
- 19 year old, female
Being able to attend Online Parents Anonymous® groups, a safe space to be vulnerable, has really helped my husband and I believe in our families future again.
-Mother of five
Help us make sure that no parent or youth feels alone in their struggles.